All in the Name of Transparency

Author: Adrienne Batra 2003/02/13
Politicians have done very little to instill confidence in the electorate that our money is being spent wisely - this latest example is really no exception. City councilors are going to be debating whether or not the non-taxable portion of their income should be removed. Now, at first blush this seems like a laudable goal, in fact the CTF commends this plan on its ability to keep salaries transparent. But, by doing this it will quietly enhance councilors pension plan.

Conflict of Interest

The CTF believes that it is a conflict of interest to vote on your own compensation. Whenever possible, compensation should be determined by an arms length body then voted on by the politicians to take effect after the next election. Having politicians debate their own salaries and pensions is about as logical as putting a million-dollar toilet on a bridge.

Questionable Timing

The final tab for these changes to be made will cost taxpayers $460,000 annually.

Furthermore, with the current proposal, it is estimated that to pay out pensions based on full years of credited service, there is an additional liability of $745,144 (which can be amortized over 15 years). All of this begs the question - why now

The City's budget estimates did not include property tax relief or a reduction in business taxes, yet someone seems to think there is an extra half million dollars kicking around to pad an already generous pension plans

Matter of priorities

Even though councilors are not benefiting directly with an increase in their take-home pay, they will profit once out of public office and start collecting a pension. It is also somewhat questionable why this move is on the radar screen.

This is simply a matter of priorities, homeowners are crippled by high property taxes, businesses are pulling up stakes, our streets look blown up, but some councilors are more worried about their own future. It is somewhat disconcerting they need to be reminded they were not elected with a mandate to inflate their pensions.

Rather than patting themselves on the back for a 'job not done' councilors should be focussed on rewarding the taxpayers in Winnipeg who pay their salaries. At a time when property and business taxes are frozen, the only thing that will be thawing out in Winnipeg are the pensions for City Councilors.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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